This is the official ZeroCord's Guide created to new users who never used our Discord bot, or for who
wants to know more the bot's functions.
Important Note: ZeroCord has some customizable features, one of them is custom prefix, default prefix will be "c?"
but members with ADMINISTRATOR permissions can set a new prefix to the server with c?setprefix
For further information or to ask help, come our Discord server
So, lets start with basic commands!
The first command new members should use is "c?start" command, which will send a cool welcome text, and with some rewards.
Then, it will let you pick 1 of the 3 rewards, to pick one of them do "c?pick reward 1" that was an example, but
you can pick other reward.
Important Note: You won't be able to do that command again if you've used it, and remember
alternative accounts are not allowed!
ZeroCord's Guide explains some uses of commands and important information for to start the use of ZeroCord.
But to ask for help if it's needed or to chat with our community at our Discord server